The table below provides examples of the diverse range of investment products and strategies available in Canada and internationally to address migrant integration. As this is not yet a comprehensive list, you are welcome to contribute other examples using the contact form below.
Access to capital | Individual migrants (for re-accreditation, workplace training, etc.) | Vancity Credit Union Jumpstart Micro-loan Program (CAN) Immigrant Access Fund (CAN) – loans guaranteed by HNWIs, Inspirit Foundation & Counselling Foundation Government of Canada supported 11 micro-lending programs for internationally trained newcomers for re-accreditation. | Private debt: Micro-loans for newcomers, and non-financial supports |
Access to capital | Migrant & refugee enterpreneurs | Nova Scotia Loan Guarantee Program (CAN) – Immigrant stream | Private debt: Loans, up to $500,000, and business mentorship supports for newcomers |
Access to capital | Refugee entrepreneurs | Refugee Integration Fund (EU) Alight Fund (US) | Private debt: for micro-finance institutions (RIF) and individual refugees |
Workplace equity: Diversity in corporate leadership | All migrants facing barriers to equal employment opportunities | Shareholder Association for Research and Education (CAN) | Public equities: Shareholder engagement and public policy engagement |
Workplace equity: diversity in capital allocation decision-making | All migrants facing barriers to equal employment opportunities | California Public Employees’ Retirement System Diversity & Inclusion (US) Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund’s commitment to hiring minority and women asset managers. | All investment / lending decisions across asset classes |
Orgs or projects that benefit migrants | Labour market supports for migrants & refugees | Duo for a Job Social Impact Bond (Belgium) Finnish Sitra Social Impact Bond Massachusetts Adult Basic Education SIB (US) Community Employment Loan Program (CAN) | Private and Public Debt: Pay-for-success |
Orgs or project that benefit migrants | Social enterprises serving migrants & refugees | UK Community Foundations “New Beginnings Fund” The Young Foundation (UK) | Private debt and private equity |
Orgs or projects that benefit migrants | Low-income and vulnerable migrants | Commonweal Housing – Big Society Capital (UK) Vancity Credit Union $200,000 pre-development loan & grant for Refugee Welcome House and Ready to Rent interest-free Loan (CAN) Community Forward Fund (CFF) investment in OCISO Housing | Real property: Affordable/social housingPrivate debt: Interest-free loans (Vancity) and loans for housing cooperative (CFF) |
Financial inclusion of migrants | All migrants | SHARE’s engagement with banks on financial inclusion (CAN) Taqanu Bank BanQu | Public equity (SHARE): engagement with lending institutions to encourage financial inclusion– responsible products and services targeted at migrants. |
Human/labour rights abuses | Privately-operated detention centres for migrants | Australian Pension Funds (e.g., Hesta), Dutch PFs (ABP)– Divestment from Ferrovial (formerly Transfield Services) Nordea Asset Management engagement with G4S on abuse of migrant human rights. | Public equities: Shareholder engagement and/or Divestment |
Human/labour rights abuses | Vulnerable migrant populations (e.g., temporary workers, undocumented migrants) | SHARE’s engagement with Brookfield AM on forced migrant labour | Public equities and infrastructure: Shareholder engagement |
Human/labour rights abuses | Trucking companies, hotels & hospitality companies, who can help identify and prevent human trafficking | Mercy Investments Services (US) engagement on human trafficking | Public equities: Public policy and corporate engagement |
Immigration policy reforms | All migrants | Collaborative engagement on comprehensive US immigration reform. | All investments: Collaborative investor engagement with policymakers |
International development & employment | Syrian refugees living in neighbouring host countries (e.g., Jordan, Lebanon) | Convergence grant to Kois Invest for Development Impact Bond for refugee employment interventions | |
Housing for migrants and refugees | Refugees in Canberra needing access to affordable housing | MARSS of the ACT Canberra | Rental properties, guaranteed bond |
Showing 1 to 16 of 16 entries