Products & Strategies

The table below provides examples of the diverse range of investment products and strategies available in Canada and internationally to address migrant integration. As this is not yet a comprehensive list, you are welcome to contribute other examples using the contact form below.

Access to capitalIndividual migrants (for re-accreditation, workplace training, etc.)Vancity Credit Union Jumpstart Micro-loan Program (CAN)

Immigrant Access Fund (CAN) – loans guaranteed by HNWIs, Inspirit Foundation & Counselling Foundation

Government of Canada supported 11 micro-lending programs for internationally trained newcomers for re-accreditation.
Private debt: Micro-loans for newcomers, and non-financial supports
Access to capitalMigrant & refugee enterpreneursNova Scotia Loan Guarantee Program (CAN) – Immigrant streamPrivate debt: Loans, up to $500,000, and business mentorship supports for newcomers
Access to capitalRefugee entrepreneursRefugee Integration Fund (EU)

Alight Fund (US)
Private debt: for micro-finance institutions (RIF) and individual refugees
Workplace equity: Diversity in corporate leadershipAll migrants facing barriers to equal employment opportunitiesShareholder Association for Research and Education (CAN)Public equities: Shareholder engagement and public policy engagement
Workplace equity: diversity in capital allocation decision-makingAll migrants facing barriers to equal employment opportunitiesCalifornia Public Employees’ Retirement System Diversity & Inclusion (US)

Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund’s commitment to hiring minority and women asset managers.
All investment / lending decisions across asset classes
Orgs or projects that benefit migrantsLabour market supports for migrants & refugeesDuo for a Job Social Impact Bond (Belgium)

Finnish Sitra Social Impact Bond

Massachusetts Adult Basic Education SIB (US)

Community Employment Loan Program (CAN)
Private and Public Debt: Pay-for-success
Orgs or project that benefit migrantsSocial enterprises serving migrants & refugeesUK Community Foundations “New Beginnings Fund”
The Young Foundation (UK)
Private debt and private equity
Orgs or projects that benefit migrantsLow-income and vulnerable migrantsCommonweal Housing – Big Society Capital (UK)

Vancity Credit Union $200,000 pre-development loan & grant for Refugee Welcome House and Ready to Rent interest-free Loan (CAN)

Community Forward Fund (CFF) investment in OCISO Housing
Real property: Affordable/social housingPrivate debt: Interest-free loans (Vancity) and loans for housing cooperative (CFF)
Financial inclusion of migrantsAll migrantsSHARE’s engagement with banks on financial inclusion (CAN)

Taqanu Bank
Public equity (SHARE): engagement with lending institutions to encourage financial inclusion– responsible products and services targeted at migrants.
Human/labour rights abusesPrivately-operated detention centres for migrantsAustralian Pension Funds (e.g., Hesta), Dutch PFs (ABP)– Divestment from Ferrovial (formerly Transfield Services)

Nordea Asset Management engagement with G4S on abuse of migrant human rights.
Public equities: Shareholder engagement and/or Divestment
Human/labour rights abusesVulnerable migrant populations (e.g., temporary workers, undocumented migrants)SHARE’s engagement with Brookfield AM on forced migrant labourPublic equities and infrastructure: Shareholder engagement
Human/labour rights abusesTrucking companies, hotels & hospitality companies, who can help identify and prevent human traffickingMercy Investments Services (US) engagement on human traffickingPublic equities: Public policy and corporate engagement
Immigration policy reformsAll migrantsCollaborative engagement on comprehensive US immigration reform.All investments: Collaborative investor engagement with policymakers
International development & employmentSyrian refugees living in neighbouring host countries (e.g., Jordan, Lebanon)Convergence grant to Kois Invest for Development Impact Bond for refugee employment interventions
Housing for migrants and refugeesRefugees in Canberra needing access to affordable housingMARSS of the ACT CanberraRental properties, guaranteed bond

Showing 1 to 16 of 16 entries